A resource to help inform students, parents, and educators about the Federal Government through publications and information distributed by the Gov't. Publishing Office (GPO).
Access thousands of unique and reliable full-text biographies, including the complete full text of Biography and Biography Today. In addition to keyword search, users can locate biographies by subject occupation, activity, nationality, gender, birthplace and more.
A collection of databases containing journals, books, magazines and more in an easy-to-use interface with simple search and browse capabilities. Content is tailored to fit the needs of students in college prep courses.
A collection of databases containing journals, books, magazines and more in an easy-to-use interface with simple search and browse capabilities. Content is tailored to fit the needs of high school students.
A collection of databases containing journals, books, magazines and more in an easy-to-use interface with simple search and browse capabilities. Content is tailored to fit the needs of grades 6-8 students.
A collection of databases containing journals, books, magazines and more in an easy-to-use interface with simple search and browse capabilities. Content is tailored to fit the needs of grades K-5 students.
This K-8 resource includes thousands of encyclopedic records with images, brief biographies and information in a variety of subject areas.
Covering topics in U.S. and world history from the earliest civilizations through the 21st century, this research database contains full-text journals, magazines, reference books and thousands of primary source documents.
A research database that contains full text for hundreds of popular magazines and e-books covering news, politics, science, sports, culture and more. Titles include The Atlantic, Discover, People, TIME, Scientific American and more.
A full-text database providing popular middle school magazines, reference e-books, and thousands of primary source documents and videos. Titles include Discover, Ranger Rick, TIME, Science News and more.
A full-text database of carefully curated content for elementary school libraries including full text for the most popular children's magazines, e-books, and easy-to-read encyclopedic entries written specifically for kids. Titles include Ranger Rick, TIME for Kids, Zoobooks and more.